I have an alias set up for to commit all modified files in a packages submodules with a commit message. This used to work but lately it has stopped working guessing due to a git update.
The alias looks like this
SubmoduleCommit = "!f() { git submodule foreach 'git commit --all --message=$1 || :'; }; f"
But it is no longer working, any ideas what would have changed. The error is that message requires a value so will not preform the git action. If i copy the code into bash and replace the $1 with "Commit message" then it works fine.
The problem you have is that inside the double quotes variables are immediately expanded. In your case $1
is expanded to nothing because it was never assigned. Instead, withing single quotes, there is no expansion and the string is copied as you see it (except when you escape with \
git config alias.SubmoduleCommit '!f() { git submodule foreach "git commit --all --message=$1 || :"; }; f'
You can see how your aliases look like with
git config --list | grep "^alias\."