This example shows how to use matrix factorization to build a recommendation system. This example is particulary suitable for a dataset with only two related ids like user id and product id that the corresponding user has purchased.
Based on this example, I prepared an input data like below.
[UserId] [ProductId]
3 1
3 15
3 23
5 9
5 1
8 2
8 1
And change the column name, making TextLoader
var reader = ctx.Data.TextReader(new TextLoader.Arguments()
Separator = "tab",
HasHeader = true,
Column = new[]
new TextLoader.Column("Label", DataKind.R4, 0),
new TextLoader.Column("UserId", DataKind.U4, new [] { new TextLoader.Range(0) }, new KeyRange(0, 100000)),
new TextLoader.Column("ProductId", DataKind.U4, new [] { new TextLoader.Range(1) }, new KeyRange(0, 300))
It works great. It recommends a list of products that the target user may purchase with individual scores. However, it doesn't work with a new customer data that didn't exist in the initial input data, say UserId 1
, it gives score NaN
as a result of the prediction.
Retraining the model could be an obvious answer, but it seems futile to retrain the model everytime a new data comes in. I think there's definitely a way to update the existing model but I cannot find the relevant documentation, APIs, or a sample anywhere. I ended up leaving a question in the official github of ML.NET but I've got no answers so far.
Question would be very simple, in a nutshell, how can I update a trained model in ML.NET? Linking a relevant source of information would be greatly appreciated too.
The re-training process is described in details here: