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C++ Creating a function, like a variable, change its body later and then call it later

I'm trying to create a dummy function inside of a class, whichs' body will be changed later in int main(). And then I'd like to call this body changed func in the class. Is there a way to achieve this?

Something like this:

class Animation {

    //Don't know what to write at the next line
    function<void>/*?*/ whenCompleted = []() mutable { /* Dummy func. */ };
    void startAnimation() { /* Do stuff, then */ animationEnded(); }
    void animationEnded() { whenCompleted(); }


int main(){
    score.whenCompleted = { /* new body for whenCompleted() */ }


  • You basically have the right idea

    #include <functional>
    #include <iostream>
    class Animation
        std::function<void()> whenCompleted;
        void startAnimation() { animationEnded(); }
        void animationEnded() { whenCompleted(); }
    int main()
        Animation score;
        score.whenCompleted = [](){ std::cout << "all done"; };

    Will output

    all done

    You could also add a constructor for Animation that accepts a function to initialize whenCompleted with

    Animation(std::function<void()>&& onCompleted) : whenCompleted(onCompleted) {}

    which would modify main to

    int main()
        Animation score{[](){ std::cout << "all done"; }};