I'm trying to simplify annotations extracting from case classes, but I still want to stay as generic as possible. So, I've created a simple type class that does nothing useful (for now), but it accepts two type params:
trait Show2[+A, -T] {
def show: Unit
And I have a simple implicit function to derive instances of this type class:
implicit def genericEncoder[A, T, ARepr <: HList](
implicit annotations: Annotations.Aux[A, T, ARepr]
): Show2[A, T] = new Show2[A, T] {
override def show: Unit = println(annotations())
Basically, it's some kind of wrapper around Annotations.Aux
To test I use a data class and annotation class itself:
case class ann(v: Int) extends StaticAnnotation
case class C(@ann(1) s: String, @ann(2) i: Int)
So, I'm expecting that something will be printed out after
val encoder = implicitly[Show2[ann, C]]
But I'm getting could not find implicit value for parameter e: Show2[Main2.ann,Main2.C]
. When I use concrete type ann
instead of generic A
in genericEncoder
it works, but it's not what I need.
Any thoughts, what am I doing wrong here?
it seems that it doesn't work because of variances in the Show2 typeclass (type parameters in Annotations.Aux are invariant)