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QlikSense connection to localhost application using REST

Trying to establish a data connection using REST from QlikCloud account to a locally running application. I get an errror:

Connection to local resources is not allowed

The application running on my laptop is having a REST API enabled.

I was not able to use QlikSense Desktop so I had to login through the browser to QlikCloud.

I also tried giving the ipaddress of my laptop instead of localhost. It still throws as error:

Connection to http://<ip_address>:1000/v1/documents?uri=/csv/myFile.csv is not allowed

Should I be running my application only on a server? Any help is appreciated.

Qlik REST configuration


  • The data connections are "executed" in the context of the Qlik Engine. Which means that when specifying localhost the connection will try and load the data from the machine where the Engine is running. In Qlik Cloud case - this will be some machine in Qlik's cloud.

    You can:

    • use QS Desktop (you've mentioned that this is not working for you)
    • host your service somewhere on the interned where the Engine can reach it
    • use some service (like ngrok) that can tunnel the local server to a public url which then access from Qlik