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How prevent loading data second time in NgRx?

I have a DOM block:

<div (click)="toggle(block)">
   <div *ngIf="block.opened">
     <div *ngFor="let item of block.items"></div>

By click I dispatch action to load data from server and display this data in block:

  toggle(block: RegistryGroup) {;;

First event ToggleRegistryBlockAction changes property of block to true/false. The second LoadRegistryLayersAction makes request to the server by and returns data to the same state of block to the property block.items = Server Response;

In effect side where I listen action LoadRegistryLayersAction:

loadRegistriesLayers$: Observable<Action> = createEffect(() =>
        (registryGroup) =>
          registryGroup.items && !registryGroup.items.length
      switchMap((registryGroup: RegistryGroup) =>
          map((layers: { [key: string]: RegistryLayerItemGeneric[] }) => {
            return RegistryActions.SuccessLoadRegistryLayersAction({
              payload: {
                layers: this.registry.createLayersMapWithObjects(layers),
                registryGroupId: registryGroup.Id,
          catchError((error: Error) => {
            return of(RegistryActions.ErrorRegistryLayersAction(error));

I filter action and check if data already present. For that I check if block has registryGroup.items && !registryGroup.items.length.

Problem is that sometimes after execution this effects server can return empty []. So next time, when user requests it, it sends request repeatly.

How to fix it and dont touch server if data was loaded?


  • There are multiple solutions:

    • keep a status property which can be loading, loaded, empty,...
    • keep a list of id's that are fetched in the state, and check this list before sending the request
    • don't check on registryGroup.items.length, and initialize the array as null