I am new in iOS and I am using Xcode 12.3
I am facing issue with razorpay Since I updated my Xcode. I Updated my Razorpay to 'razorpay-pod', '~> 1.1.12'
but it shows still the same issue.
Did someone face this issue and is there is any solution to resolve it.Thanks in Advance!
Quoting from https://razorpay.com/docs/payment-gateway/ios-integration/standard/
Use Variable RazorpayCheckout for Swift versions 5.1+: For Swift version 5.1+, ensure that you declare var razorpay: RazorpayCheckout!. For versions lower than 5.1, you may use var razorpay: Razorpay!.
Alternatively, you can use the following alias and retain the variable as Razorpay.
typealias Razorpay = RazorpayCheckout
You should switch to RazorpayCheckout
from Razorpay
razorpay = RazorpayCheckout.initWithKey(razorpayTestKey, andDelegate: self)