I would like to transfer some parameters from one object to another. The object are of different types. I tried some ways but none of them compiled. All types are given and cannot be changed.
I wanted to use std::bind
, std::function
, std::mem_fn
and/or lambdas. But I didn't find correct mixture of these.
Is there a way to write a template function do this?
(Visual Studio 2017)
#include <functional>
class Type1 {};
class Type2 {};
class Type3 {};
class A
bool getter( Type1& ) const { return true; }
bool getter( Type2& ) const { return true; }
bool getter( Type3&, int index = 0 ) const { return true; }
class B
bool setter( const Type1& ) { return true; }
bool setter( const Type2& ) { return true; }
bool setter( const Type3& ) { return true; }
bool setter( const Type3&, int ) { return true; }
void test()
A a;
B b;
// Instead of this:
Type3 data;
if ( a.getter( data ) )
b.setter( data );
// I need something like this (which the same as above):
function( a, A::getter, b, B::setter );
Not sure if it is what you really want, but
template <typename T3, typename T1, typename T2>
void function(const T1& t1, bool(T1::*getter)(T3&) const,
T2& t2, bool(T2::*setter)(const T3&))
T3 data;
if ((t1.*getter)(data))
With usage similar to
function<Type3>(a, &A::getter, b, &B::setter);
Note: I removed int index = 0