Unable to unnest in bigquery when there is comma inside list which is of type string. I have data in following format where value is type of string
name value
Aashis ["A,B",AC"]
Rahul ["AA",AD"]
When I use following query, It is incorrectly splitting and unable to get logic right in regexp_replace
WITH `project.dataset.table` AS (
SELECT 'Aashis' name, '["A,B","AC"]' value UNION ALL
SELECT 'Rahul', '["AA","AD"]'
SELECT name, value
FROM `project.dataset.table`,
UNNEST(SPLIT(REGEXP_REPLACE(value, r'^\[|]$', ''))) value
With the above code, I am getting
Aashis A
Aashis B
Aashis AC
Rahul AA
Rahul AD
My expected output is
Aashis AB
Aashis AC
Rahul AA
Rahul AD
I have followed following link converting array of strings to single row values
Any help is really appreciated
Try this:
WITH `project.dataset.table` AS (
SELECT 'Aashis' name, '["A,B","AC"]' value UNION ALL
SELECT 'Rahul', '["AA","AD"]'
SELECT name, value
FROM `project.dataset.table`,
UNNEST(SPLIT(TRIM(REGEXP_REPLACE(value, r'^\[|]$', ''), '"'),'","')) value