I'm trying to work out the correct syntax based on the below if
statement in a jenkinsfile, however it's not passing the wildcard as expected and trying to match the syntax including the wildcard symbol:
stage('stage c') {
steps {
container('tf-jenkins') {
script {
sh """
if [[ \$(gcloud container clusters list --format='value(name)' --project ${project_id} --filter=d-kcl-${short_region} ) = *d-kcl* ]]; then
echo "cluster already exists, progressing to application deployment"
echo "no cluster found, a new cluster needs to be deployed"
With the above stage block, the following is returned:
+ gcloud container clusters list '--format=value(name)' --project prpject-id '--filter=d-kcl'
+ '[[' paas-gcp-d-kcl-euwe2 '=' '*paas-gcp-d-kcl*' ]]
+ echo 'no cluster found, a new cluster needs to be deployed'
no cluster found, a new cluster needs to be deployed
When running in a normal shell this works as expected but not in the jenkinsfile.
I would recommend using groovy code instead of a shell script.
stage('stage c') {
steps {
container('tf-jenkins') {
script {
def commandOutput = sh (
script: "gcloud container clusters list --format='value(name)' --project ${project_id} --filter=d-kcl-${short_region}",
returnStdout: true,
label: "Check if container exists"
echo "cluster already exists, progressing to application deployment"
} else{
echo "no cluster found, a new cluster needs to be deployed"