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Where is command v mapping in Vim

I have no idea how got into my vim configuration, and its behavior is very wired.

:verbose imap


i  <C-R><C-R>  * <C-R>*
        Last set from ~/.vim/plugin/keymapping.vim line 43
!  <D-v>         <C-R>*
Press ENTER or type command to continue

What is ! <D-v>? Why it has no file path?

BTW, in my .vimrc, I did set nocomapatible and using iterm 2.


  • What is ! <D-v>?

    From :h key-notation:

    <D-...>     command-key (Macintosh only)    *<D-*

    So, <D-v> is just +v

    And prefix ! in the imap results indicate that it's applicable for both insert mode and command-line mode.

    Why it has no file path?

    Because this is vim built-in mapping, not set by user or a plugin and is coming from stand mac mappings. check :h mac-standard-mappings.