I'm using XAML Islands to make my app and I want to use Windows 10 styling in my WPF app like here. For example <TextBlock Text="Header" Style="{StaticResource HeaderTextBlockStyle}"/>
would result in:
But this doesn't work in WPF (It does work in UWP without any modifications), my understanding is that XAML Islands should make it possible. When I try to simply add the code above to my xaml file I get the exception
Cannot find resource named 'HeaderTextBlockStyle'. Resource names are case sensitive.
I get the same exception if I add Style="{StaticResource HeaderTextBlockStyle}"
to a <xamlhost:WindowsXamlHost>
So I tried to add the controls with code so I added this WindowsXamlHost control as a stackpanel:
<xamlhost:WindowsXamlHost InitialTypeName="Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.StackPanel" ChildChanged="WindowsXamlHost_ChildChanged"/>
And added this method (an event handler that is ran when the control is made. Learned it from this) that handles adding additional controls (a TextBlock) to the StackPanel:
private void WindowsXamlHost_ChildChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Get the host control
WindowsXamlHost host = (WindowsXamlHost)sender;
// Get the StackPanel in the host
Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.StackPanel sp = (Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.StackPanel)host.Child;
// Make a TextBlock to add to the StackPanel
Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.TextBlock textBlock = new Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.TextBlock();
// Set the text of the TextBlock
textBlock.Text = "LockCursorInMonitor";
// Get the style resources, cast them to the appropriate type for XAML Islands and add them to the TextBlock
textBlock.Style = (Windows.UI.Xaml.Style)Application.Current.Resources["HeaderTextBlockStyle"];
// Another way to get resources but this doesn't work too.
//textBlock.Style = (Windows.UI.Xaml.Style)this.FindResource("HeaderTextBlockStyle");
// Add the TextBlock to the stackpanel
The Application.Current.Resources["HeaderTextBlockStyle"]
way does nothing and doesn't throw an exception.
The this.FindResource("HeaderTextBlockStyle")
way throws the next exception:
System.Windows.ResourceReferenceKeyNotFoundException: ''HeaderTextBlockStyle' resource not found.'
So how can I get these style resources in my WPF app?
One way to achieve this is to use the package ModernWPF but then you lose all the benefits of XAML Islands (if there are any. Everything I needed from XAML Islands is in ModernWPF and is easier to implement).
After installing and setting ModernWPF up you can simply use the <TextBlock Text="Header" Style="{StaticResource HeaderTextBlockStyle}"/>
way and it just works.