i have 2 dates and need to find the diff btw them in sql.
city time_out time_in
Paris 1900-01-01T14:30:00.000Z 1900-01-01T17:50:00.000Z
select datediff(time_out - time_in) from trip where city = 'Paris'
not working.
In case of days you have to parse the days also
CREATE tABLE trip(city varchar(10),time_out varchar(24),time_in varchar(24))
INSERT INTO trip VALUES ('Paris', '1900-01-01T14:30:00.000Z', '1900-01-01T17:50:00.000Z')
SELECT TIMEDIFF(CAST(time_in AS DATETIME),CAST(time_out AS DATETIME)) TIMEdiffrence FROM trip WHERE city = 'Paris'
| TIMEdiffrence | | :------------ | | 03:20:00 |
db<>fiddle here