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How to adapt a LaTex beamer theme to apply it in an rmarkdown::beamer_presentation

I would like to apply a LaTex beamer theme in an rmarkdown::beamer_presentation. The custom themes contains a beamerthemeTHEMENAME.sty, beamercolorthemeTHEMENAME.sty, beamerfontthemeTHEMENAME.sty, beamerinnerthemeTHEMENAME.sty, beamerouterthemeTHEMENAME.sty. If the template is sourced within my YAML header, the knitted presentation does not look very close to a beamer presentation generated straight from LaTex by applying the custom theme.

Thus, which contents of the beamertheme*.sty to modify or enhance the presentation require modification or need to be moved from the beamer theme, e.g. to template.tex and includes*?

In particular, I am struggling on using the following frame templates defined in beamerouterthemeTHEMENAME.sty: \titleframe, \tocframe, \closingframe

For the footline defined in beamerouterthemeTHEMENAME.sty, it would be very nice to have a hyperlink from the logo to the table of contents slide (like the page numbers are linked to the appendix). An MWE is provided below. Any help is greatly appreciated.


title: "MWE"
subtitle: "Beamer presnetation with R-markdown"
institute: "some place"
date: "`r format(Sys.time(), '%B %d, %Y')`"
  # beamer_presentation: default
    base_format: rmarkdown::beamer_presentation
    # includes:
    #  - in_header: preamble.tex
    theme: "THEMENAME"
    latex_engine: xelatex
    toc: false
    slide_level: 2

​```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE)

# Random presentation

## TOC - Table of Contents {.unnumbered}


## Slide with Bullets

- Bullet 1
- Bullet 2
- Bullet 3

## Apendix



% Tizk, textpos, graphics

% Beamer settings
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}



\definecolor{THEMECOL}{RGB}{162,48,47}  % red
\definecolor{THEMEgray}{RGB}{110,110,101}% gray

\colorlet{titlefgcolor}{THEMECOL} % color of box
\colorlet{titlebgcolor}{THEMEgray} % color of box

\setbeamercolor*{title}{fg=THEMECOL}    % presentation title 
\setbeamercolor*{author}{fg=THEMECOL}   % author
\setbeamercolor*{date}{fg=THEMECOL} % date



% Redefine \insertshortinstitute to allow multiple lines

% Title frame
            \useasboundingbox (0,0) rectangle(\the\paperwidth,\the\paperheight);
                \fill[titlebgcolor] (6.3mm,6.4mm) rectangle (\the\paperwidth-8.3mm,\the\paperheight-13mm);
                \node at (current [anchor=center,yshift=-3.5mm] {\includegraphics[width=\the\paperwidth-19mm]{\titlefigure}};
            \node at (current page.north east) [anchor=base east, xshift=-8.3mm, yshift=-6.3mm, align=left, inner sep=0mm, font=\fontsize{5.5}{6.6}\selectfont] {
            \node at (current page.north west) [anchor=south west, inner sep=0mm, xshift=8.3mm, yshift=-8.6mm] {
                \useasboundingbox (0,0) rectangle(\the\paperwidth,\the\paperheight);
                \node [
                    minimum width=0.46\paperwidth,
                    minimum height=18mm,
                    inner sep=4mm
                    ] at (current page.west) {

% TOC frame

% Section title frame

        \useasboundingbox (0,0) rectangle(\the\paperwidth,\the\paperheight);
        \node at (current page.north west) [anchor=base west, xshift=8mm, yshift=-10mm, align=left] {

% Footline
    \hyperlink{contents}{\includegraphics[width=12mm,trim=0mm 0.4mm 0mm 0mm]{img/my_logo.png}}



  • You can make the following dirty hacks to the markdown document:

    • Instead of the yaml title, use \AtBeginDocument{\title{MWE}\titleframe} to suppress the annoying automatic title markdown inserts (which does not even uses \maketitle, so one can't make any reasonable modifications) and add your custom title command

    • \AtEndDocument{\begin{closingframe}lalala\end{closingframe}} to add your closing frame [replace lalala with whatever text you like]

    • add \makeatletter\beamer@ignorenonframefalse\makeatother to suppress options markdown annoyingly automatically uses and which don't allow any wrappers for frames

    • you can use

      ``` {=latex}

      to use your \tocframe macro, however I don't see much use for this, as markdown will automatically insert such frames at all reasonable places (and then a couple of more at all unreasonable places as well, just because it seems to enjoy being annoying...)

    subtitle: "Beamer presnetation with R-markdown"
    institute: "some place"
    date: "`r format(Sys.time(), '%B %d, %Y')`"
    author: "Donald Duck"
      # beamer_presentation: default
        base_format: rmarkdown::beamer_presentation
        # includes:
        #   in_header: preamble.tex
        theme: "THEMENAME"
        latex_engine: xelatex
        toc: false
        slide_level: 2
        keep_tex: true 
      - \AtBeginDocument{\title{MWE}\titleframe}    
      - \AtEndDocument{\begin{closingframe}lalala\end{closingframe}}
      - \makeatletter\beamer@ignorenonframefalse\makeatother
    # Random presentation
    ## TOC - Table of Contents {.unnumbered}
    ``` {=latex}
    ## Slide with Bullets
    - Bullet 1
    - Bullet 2
    - Bullet 3
    ``` {=latex}
    ## Apendix

    Now to the theme:

    • if your tex distribution has been updated at one point since the dinosaurs gone extinction, then you don't need \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}. That's the default in current latex distributions. Also rmarkdown will automatically insert this.

    • you don't need \RequirePackage{xcolor}. Not only does beamer already load this automatically, but it will also be included in this annoyingly long list of unsuitable packages rmarkdown automatically adds to the document.

    • The \titleframe macro also needs a couple of modifications because the theme does abuse \\ for line breaks and does not test if title, author and date macros are actually filled. Combined this will fail spectacularly...

    • you might also want to use different colours for the background and the font of the title box.... I mixed a bit of white to the background to make the font visible

                \useasboundingbox (0,0) rectangle(\the\paperwidth,\the\paperheight);
                    \fill[titlebgcolor] (6.3mm,6.4mm) rectangle (\the\paperwidth-8.3mm,\the\paperheight-13mm);
                    \node at (current [anchor=center,yshift=-3.5mm] {\includegraphics[width=\the\paperwidth-19mm]{\titlefigure}};
                \node at (current page.north east) [anchor=base east, xshift=-8.3mm, yshift=-6.3mm, align=left, inner sep=0mm, font=\fontsize{5.5}{6.6}\selectfont] {
                \node at (current page.north west) [anchor=south west, inner sep=0mm, xshift=8.3mm, yshift=-8.6mm] {
                    \useasboundingbox (0,0) rectangle(\the\paperwidth,\the\paperheight);
                    \node [
                        minimum width=0.46\paperwidth,
                        minimum height=18mm,
                        inner sep=4mm
                        ] at (current page.west) {

    For the footline, use the hyperlink target that is created by your toc section

    % Footline
        \hyperlink{toc---table-of-contents}{\includegraphics[width=12mm,trim=0mm 0.4mm 0mm 0mm]{example-image}}

    [I guess the number of times I used annoying in this answer shows how much more difficult rmarkdown makes a job that would have taken 2 seconds in a normal beamer document]