I have a class such as this:
class Ticket:
def __init__(self, ticket):
self._subject = ticket.subject
self._oem = self.oem()
def oem(self):
return self._oem
def oem(self):
#set oem value by extracting it from subject using regex
self._oem = re.findall('<OEM: (.*?)>', self._subject)[0].strip()
However, on creating an object,
obj = Ticket(test_ticket)
I get an error,
AttributeError: 'Ticket' object has no attribute '_oem'
I've looked at similar questions, but they are not asking the same thing as I am.
I want to set the value for oem in the __init__
method, by using the value from a previous variable, not by passing the value from outside.
How do I resolve this issue?
A property setter needs to accept a value, it would be invoked when assigning to the attribute e.g.
t = Ticket()
t.oem = value # this would call call Ticket.oem(t, value)
If this property just uses the data from self._subject
then don't write a setter at all. Instead, make the attribute a dynamically calculated and read-only property, like this:
class Ticket:
def __init__(self, ticket):
self._subject = ticket.subject
def oem(self):
return re.findall('<OEM: (.*?)>', self._subject)[0].strip()