is it possible to update a dictionary in ansible with a new value?
Here's what I have:
- url: ""
port: 443
expiry_date: ""
- url: ""
port: 443
expiry_date: ""
Then in one of the playbooks, I have this happening, where we are looping through LIST_OF_CERTS and doing various tasks on them. Part of that includes:
- name: Set Variables
CERT_NAME : "{{ item.url }}"
CERT_PORT : "{{ item.port }}"
Which works, and CERT_NAME and CERT_PORT are used in a few other tasks. In addition to that I'm trying to update the expiry_date bit with:
- name: Set expiry date
"{{ item.expiry_date }}" : "{{ EXPIRY_DATE.stdout }}"
I get this as an error though:
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "The variable name '' is not valid. Variables must start with a letter or underscore character, and contain only letters, numbers and underscores."}
What am I doing wrong? It looks like that "{{ item.expiry_date }}" will output the empty string that I have, which is improper syntax, which makes sense to me, but how do I update the expiry_date key in the item dict?
UPDATE Set the Set expiry date to be something new, and tried to update dict with combine:
- name: Set expiry date
CERT_EXPIRY : "{{ EXPIRY_DATE.stdout }}"
- name: Add in expiry date to list of certs and update dict.
LIST_OF_CERTS: "{ LIST_OF_CERTS|combine({{'url': CERT_NAME, 'port': CERT_PORT, 'expiry_date': CERT_EXPIRY }}) }"
This seems to blank out my dict though, because the email I send out for notifications goes from
The following certs were checked:
* {'url': '', 'port': 443, 'expiry_date': ''}
* {'url': '', 'port': 443, 'expiry_date': ''}
To just:
The following certs were checked:
* url
* port
* expiry_date
I just did a different solution altogether: Created an empty list called
Then added the dict with the expiry_date to it like so:
- name: Add in expiry date to list of certs.
LIST_UPDATED_CERTS: "{{ LIST_UPDATED_CERTS + [{'url': CERT_NAME, 'port': CERT_PORT, 'expiry_date': CERT_EXPIRY }]}}"
And had the notification section for the email that gets set out use LIST_UPDATED_CERTS instead of LIST_CERTS.