Hi just wondering if it is possible to take advantage of event bubbling in non display list classes in AS3.
For example in the model of an application where there is a City class that contains many Cars. What methods are there to attach an event listener to a City object and receive events that bubble up from the child Cars. To clarify The City and Car objects are not part of the display list, they are not DisplayObjects. So can bubbling be implemented outside of the display list somehow?
As far as I know, this is not possible without manually attaching event listeners to each Car object and re dispatching the event from the City object. Anyone else have a cleaner solution?
I'm not sure I am fully understanding, but when you create an event you can say that it bubbles and so when it dispatches it will bubble.
I believe that would allow you to attach an event listener to your city for the right types of events and that would catch events thrown by cars. I haven't ever tried this though so I am not sure.
Ah, I didn't realize this. You are correct. From the following link:
Capturing and bubbling happen as the Event object moves from node to node in the display list: parent-to-child for capturing and child-to-parent for bubbling. This process has nothing to do with the inheritance hierarchy. Only DisplayObject objects (visual objects such as containers and controls) can have a capturing phase and a bubbling phase in addition to the targeting phase.
The only way I can see around this would be for you to register the child with the parent (the car with the city) every time a new one is added as a child. At that point you could add an event listener in the parent (city) and then re-dispatch an event from the parent (city) any time a event is handled from the child (car). Its ugly I know, and you would want to make sure you remove the event listener anytime that you remove a child, but it's the only real solution I can see.