I would like to curry a function that takes an abstract argument. This makes my compiler angry:
#include <functional>
class MyAbstractParentClass {
virtual void someVirtualMethod() = 0;
class MyConcreteChildClass: public MyAbstractParentClass {
virtual void someVirtualMethod() override {}
void myFunction(const MyAbstractParentClass& myAbstractObject) {}
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
const MyAbstractParentClass& myChildObject = MyConcreteChildClass();
myFunction(myChildObject); // all good here
const auto myCurriedFunction = std::bind(myFunction, myChildObject); // error here
myCurriedFunction(); // we never get here
Is there a way I can make this work without resorting to pointers?
copies its argument, you might use reference with std::reference_wrapper
const auto myCurriedFunction = std::bind(myFunction, std::ref(myChildObject));
or use lambda:
const auto myCurriedFunction = [&](){ return myFunction(myChildObject); };