I'm creating a pretty basic report adding small tables to a docx in a loop. I'd like to fit them to the width of the page or at least align the table (not cells' content) to the left. It should be quite an easy task but I found only references related to:
I tried the solutions suggested in the references but they did not work. Here what I'm using (commented rows to show other attempts):
tbl.params = flextable(fdata) %>%
delete_part(part = "header") %>%
#autofit() %>%
border_remove() %>%
border_inner_h(part="body", border = small_border ) %>%
hline_top( border = big_border, part="body") %>%
bold(j=1) %>%
set_table_properties(layout = "autofit")
Am I making a mistake or missing something?
I'm looking for solutions in "pure" Officer
(if available).
The following script add a flextable in a docx document. The column withs are adjusted by Word and the table is left aligned:
ftab <- flextable( head( mtcars ) )
ftab <- set_table_properties(ftab, layout = "autofit")
doc <- read_docx()
doc <- body_add_flextable(doc, value = ftab, align = "left")
print(doc, target = "fileout.docx")