I have the following table that holds a column which is in XML:
Id | Label | Details |
1 | Test1 | <terms><destination><email>email11@foo.com</email><email>email12@foo.com</email></destination><content>blabla</content></terms> |
2 | Test2 | <terms><destination><email>email21@foo.com</email><email>email22@foo.com</email></destination><content>blabla</content></terms> |
I would like a query that produces the following output:
Id | Label | Destination |
1 | Test1 | email11@foo.com, email12@foo.com |
2 | Test2 | email21@foo.com, email22@foo.com |
Any clue on how I can concat the XML email node values as a column along the related columns (Id and Label)? Thanks ahead
select ID, Label,
details.query('for $step in /terms/destination/email/text() return concat(", ", string($step))')
.value('.', 'nvarchar(max)'),
1, 2, '')
from @tbl;