I'm trying to define my ECS stack in Cloudformation, including the CI/CD pipeline and ECR repository. However you run into a bit of a conundrum in that:
) you have to first create a populated ECR repository (AWS::ECR::Repository
) so that you can specify the Image
) which will run automatically on creation.The solutions to this I can see are:
Are there any better ways of approaching this problem?
The way I do it is to ECR repository first, but still using CloudFormation. So I have two templates. One for ECR repo. And the second one for the rest. The ECR repo is passed as a parameter to the second template. But you can also export
its Uri to be ImportValue
in the second step. The Uri is created as follows:
Value: !Sub "${AWS::AccountId}.dkr.ecr.${AWS::Region}.amazonaws.com/${MyECR}"
You will also need some initial image in the repo for the task definition. This you can automate by having separated CodeBuild project (no need for CodePipeline) for this initial build.