I have a single log file that is continuously being appended to with the following fields enclosed inside the brackets:
I plan to use Promtail to parse this single file in real-time as new records are being appended to it.
Is this possible with Promtail? I'm not sure that it can handle multi-line processing. If that is indeed the case, then what does Promtail expect? A single file with a single record that is constantly overwritten with new info?
It is rather old question but still:
Yes, it is possible. I'm using it in a similar scenario. The service appends a new line (JSON) at the end of the file and then it is being processed by Promtail.
The promtail configuration looks something like this:
- job_name: <name>
- json:
thread: thread
level: level
message: message
timestamp: timestamp
traceID: trace-id
correlationID: correlation-id
- labels:
- template:
source: new_key
template: 'thread={{ .thread }} level={{ .level | ToLower }} correlationID={{ .correlationID }} traceID={{ .traceID }} | {{ .message }}'
- output:
source: new_key
- targets:
- localhost
job: <some job name>
__path__: /log/output.json
the json line (pretified) looks like this:
{"instant": {
"epochSecond": 1613470246,
"nanoOfSecond": 779983000
"thread": "thread-name",
"level": "WARN",
"loggerName": "it.issome.logger.class.name",
"message": "Some kind of message",
"endOfBatch": false,
"loggerFqcn": "org.apache.logging.slf4j.Log4jLogger",
"threadId": 31,
"threadPriority": 5,
"correlation-id": "correlation-id",
"trace-id": "d6555df8asdf456a",
"timestamp": "2021-02-16T10:10:46.779+0000"
There is not much good material and troubleshooting tips about promtail or I'm poor in seeking it :)