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DefaultIfEmpty() in LINQ to SQL join causing duplicates


var cons = from c in dc.Consignments
join p in dc.PODs ON c.ID equals p.Consignment into pg
from p in pg.DefaultIfEmpty()
...(other joins)...
select new {
PODs = pg

Basically, I want one row to be selected for each Consignment, and I want to select the object 'PODs' which should be a collection of PODs. This works, however I get an row for each POD there is - so if I have 3 POD's on a consignment, 3 rows will be returned for that consignment. Am I selecting the PODs incorrectly? If I take away the DefaultIfEmpty(), it strangely works fine and doesn't cause duplicates.


  • You're using a second from clause, which is effectively flattening things - but then you're still using pg in your select. The point of DefaultIfEmpty() is if you want a left outer join, effectively - where you would expect one result per valid combination.

    I suspect you just want:

    var cons = from c in dc.Consignments
    join p in dc.PODs ON c.ID equals p.Consignment into pg
    select new {
      PODs = pg

    or maybe

    var cons = from c in dc.Consignments
    join p in dc.PODs ON c.ID equals p.Consignment into pg
    select new {
      PODs = pg.DefaultIfEmpty()

    ... but the latter will give you a result with a single null entry in PODs when there weren't any PODs, which probably isn't what you were after.