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How to initialize array of structures after declaration in C

Is there a way to initialize the whole array of structures (maybe using compound literals) after it is being declared?

typedef struct
    int a;
    int b;
} tStruct;

/* Array of structures in declared in global scope, but not initialized */
tStruct myStruct[3];

void init()
  /* We want to initizlize the array with specific values*/
  /* using compound literals to initialize the whole array doesn't work */
  myStruct = (tStruct[])
      {1, 2},
      {3, 4},
      {5, 6}


  • Arrays aren't R values, so you can't copy them via assignemnt. But you can use memcpy

    #include <string.h>
    void init(void)
        memcpy(&myStruct,(tStruct[]) { {1, 2}, {3, 4}, {5, 6} }, sizeof(myStruct)); 

    The code generated by an optimizing compiler shouldn't be much worse than what you'd get with

    void init2(void)
        myStruct[0] = (tStruct){1,2};
        myStruct[1] = (tStruct){3,4};
        myStruct[2] = (tStruct){5,6};


    void init3(void)
        myStruct[0].a = 1, myStruct[0].b = 2;
        myStruct[1].a = 3, myStruct[1].b = 4;
        myStruct[2].a = 5, myStruct[1].b = 6;

    Gcc and clang are well capable of eliding an unnecessary compound variable like that in favor of assigning individual components directly.

    The biggest downside of the memcpy approach is that it's a bit brittle and type-unsafe (and can result in out-of-bounds reads/writes if the unenforced type compatibility is violated).

    If your C dialect has __typeof, then with some macro trickery you should be able to almost get around this C language limitation:

    #include <string.h>
    #define assignAnything(DestPtr,SrcPtr) ((void)((__typeof(SrcPtr)){0} = (__typeof(DestPtr)){0}) /*typecheck*/, memcpy(DestPtr, SrcPtr, sizeof(*(DestPtr))))
    /* A Ptr-less version:
    #define assignAnything2(Dest,Src) ((void)((__typeof(&(Src))){0} = (__typeof(&(Dest))){0}), memcpy(&(Dest), &(__typeof(Src)){Src}, sizeof(Dest)))
    doesn't always work, unfortunately */
    int main()
        int d[3][2][1]={0};
        int const s[3][2][1] = {0};
        assignAnything(&d,&s); //works
        #if NOPE
        assignAnything(&s,&d); //will (correctly) compile-time fail because s has more qualifs (const) than d