Is there some way or script to search in your blob container which files are hot or cool to change the to archive?
I have thousands of folders and files and to make this work manually is a nightmare
If you want to change the blob tier(hot or cool) to archive tier, there is a built-in feature named lifecycle management.
You can just set a rule for your storage account(the rule can be applied for container level or account level or subfolder level as per your need), then the blob service can automatically change the tier(hot and cool) to archive.
Here is an example for container level:
1.Nav to azure portal -> your storage account -> lifecycle management, then click "Add a rule":
3.In the "Base blobs", specify the settings as below:
4.In "Filter set", just type your container name
for Prefix match:
5.Click "Add" button to save the rule. Note that the rule will be executed after 24 hours.