I using Regex to extract a pattern which is of the form [a-zA-z][0-9]{8} Ex:K12345678 I need to extract this pattern from a string and this pattern should be matched properly I tried the below but my testcase if failing for this scenario
This is my Regex /[a-zA-Z][0-9]{8}/g phonne number:9978434276K12345678:My pattern
For this scenario it is failing.
My Sample Code
const expression = /[a-zA-Z][0-9]{8}/;
const content = "phone number:9978434276K12345678:My pattern"
let patternMatch = content.match(expression);
The expected output is K12345678.The Regex which I wrote does not handle this.
You can use String.match(Regex)
It returns an array of 4 elements: [String coincidence
, index
: Number, input
: String, groups
: undefined]
just stay with the element 0: coincidence
and 1: index of the match
and use this just to check that the string matches at least one
It will return true or false
USE expression without quotation marks
const expression = /[a-zA-Z][0-9]{8}/;
const content = "phone number:9978434276K12345678:My pattern"
let patternMatch = content.match(expression);