I have json response where only just one key name change rest is same and want to parse without duplicating same struct again.
"attributes": {
How can handle this precision key dynamically in json parsing
You can use a custom keyDecodingStrategy
Essentially, you write some logic that checks whether the current coding key path matches some criteria, and if it does, map that key to the precision
For example:
struct Root : Codable {
let attributes: Attributes
struct Attributes : Codable {
let symbol: String
let name: String
let precision: Int
enum CodingKeys: CodingKey {
case symbol
case name
case precision
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
decoder.keyDecodingStrategy = .custom({
keys in
// This will decode every precision_for_fiat_price key in the json as "precision".
// You might not want this.
// Make this criteria stricter if you need to. An example is shown below
if keys.last?.stringValue == "precision_for_fiat_price" {
return Attributes.CodingKeys.precision
// this will only decode those precision_for_fiat_price that have "attribute" as their parent as "precision"
// if stringPath.suffix(2) == ["attributes", "precision_for_fiat_price"] {
// return Attributes.CodingKeys.precision
// }
return keys.last!
let json = """
""".data(using: .utf8)!
let decoded = try decoder.decode(Root.self, from: json)