So I am trying to create different navigation menus for different customer. So when I give a customer a specific tag in shopify (e.g. wholesale) he will see another menu bar than other visitors. Thsi will only happen after he logs into his account.
Now I tried to find the following snippet:
{% for link in linklists.main-menu.links %}
to replace it with the following code:
{% assign menu_handle = 'main-menu' %}
{% if customer %}
{% if customer.tags contains 'wholesale' %}
{% assign menu_handle = 'main-menu-wholesale' %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% for link in linklists[menu_handle].links %}
But I couldn't find that snippet in the debut code that looks like this:
{% comment %}
Renders a list of menu items
- linklist: {Object} Linklist Liquid object (required)
- wrapper_class: {String} CSS wrapper class for the navigation (optional)
{% include 'site-nav', linklist: section.settings.main_linklist, wrapper_class: 'site-nav--centered' %}
{% endcomment %}
<ul class="site-nav list--inline{% if wrapper_class != blank %} {{ wrapper_class }}{% endif %}" id="SiteNav">
{% for link in linklists[linklist].links %}
{%- assign child_list_handle = link.title | handleize -%}
{% comment %}
Check if third-level nav exists on each parent link.
{% endcomment %}
{%- assign three_level_nav = false -%}
{% if link.links != blank %}
{% if link.levels == 2 %}
{%- assign three_level_nav = true -%}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if link.links != blank %}
<li class="site-nav--has-dropdown{% if three_level_nav %} site-nav--has-centered-dropdown{% endif %}{% if %} site-nav--active{% endif %}" data-has-dropdowns>
<button class="site-nav__link site-nav__link--main site-nav__link--button{% if link.child_active %} site-nav__link--active{% endif %}" type="button" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="SiteNavLabel-{{ child_list_handle }}">
<span class="site-nav__label">{{ link.title | escape }}</span>{% include 'icon-chevron-down' %}
<div class="site-nav__dropdown{% if three_level_nav %} site-nav__dropdown--centered{% endif %} critical-hidden" id="SiteNavLabel-{{ child_list_handle }}">
{% if three_level_nav %}
<div class="site-nav__childlist">
<ul class="site-nav__childlist-grid">
{% if link.links != blank %}
{% for childlink in link.links %}
<li class="site-nav__childlist-item">
<a href="{{ childlink.url }}"
class="site-nav__link site-nav__child-link site-nav__child-link--parent"
{% if childlink.current %} aria-current="page"{% endif %}
<span class="site-nav__label">{{ childlink.title | escape }}</span>
{% if childlink.links != blank %}
{% for grandchildlink in childlink.links %}
<a href="{{ grandchildlink.url }}"
class="site-nav__link site-nav__child-link"
{% if grandchildlink.current %} aria-current="page"{% endif %}
<span class="site-nav__label">{{ grandchildlink.title | escape }}</span>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% for childlink in link.links %}
<a href="{{ childlink.url }}"
class="site-nav__link site-nav__child-link{% if forloop.last %} site-nav__link--last{% endif %}"
{% if childlink.current %} aria-current="page"{% endif %}
<span class="site-nav__label">{{ childlink.title | escape }}</span>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
<li {% if %} class="site-nav--active"{% endif %}>
<a href="{{ link.url }}"
class="site-nav__link site-nav__link--main{% if %} site-nav__link--active{% endif %}"
{% if link.current %} aria-current="page"{% endif %}
<span class="site-nav__label">{{ link.title | escape }}</span>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Is there another way to add this code snippet into the debut code? How would that code look like?
Every hint is appreciated!
I think you need to find the code this one {% include 'site-nav', linklist: section.settings.main_linklist, wrapper_class: 'site-nav--centered' %}
and after the changes, your code looks like
{% assign menu_handle = 'main-menu' %}
{% if customer %}
{% if customer.tags contains 'wholesale' %}
{% assign menu_handle = 'main-menu-wholesale' %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% include 'site-nav', linklist: menu_handle, wrapper_class: 'site-nav--centered' %}
Update: Here I am changing the menu listing over debut theme latest versions.
in the header.liquid
file I have made an update and add the snippets that check for customer and customer tags if the customer is login and tags contain wholesale
Register as a new user and from the admin, backend assign tag wholesale
to the new user account.
Here is the frontend of the non-login users and log in as a wholesale tagged customer.