The following code copies all .npz files in folder C:/Users/toTEST into folder C:/Users/archive
import glob
import shutil
dest_dir = "C:/Users/archive"
for file in glob.glob(r'C:/Users/toTEST/*.npz'):
shutil.copy(file, dest_dir)
But the toTEST folder has several subfolders, and I would also like to move their .npz files into the archive folder as well. How can this be efficiently achieved?
This seems to do the trick:
import shutil
import glob
path = 'C:/Users/toTEST/**/'
dest = 'C:/Users/archive/'
pattern = '*.npz'
selectfiles = glob.glob(path + pattern, recursive=True)
for file in selectfiles:
shutil.copy2(file, dest)