Let's say I have following xml :
<Textbox Name="TextboxSearchInjection"></Textbox>
<Textbox Name="TextboxSearchInjectionEnd">
How to get all siblings nodes after <Textbox Name="TextboxSearchInjectionEnd">
and update value in Height using XmlDocument in c#?
So finally I will receive list of nodes like Textbox and Tablix but starting from node <Textbox Name="TextboxSearchInjectionEnd">
. I don't want any before.
You could retrieve all succeeding sibling nodes using NextSibling
. For Example,
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
var node = doc.SelectSingleNode(@"//*[@Name='TextboxSearchInjectionEnd']");
var result = GetAllSucceedingSiblingNodes(node);
Where GetAllSucceedingSiblingNodes is defined as
IEnumerable<XmlNode> GetAllSucceedingSiblingNodes (XmlNode node)
var currentNode = node.NextSibling; // Use currentNode = node if you want to include searched node
yield return currentNode;
currentNode = currentNode.NextSibling;