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Scala Play parse json stream (ndjson)

I have an endpoint that produces application/stream+json or application/x-ndjson (

I'm trying to consume this endpoint with Play. Specifically I've used WSResponse.json but it only seem to parse the first item returned. I also tried WSResponse.validate[Seq[JsValue]] but it fails with JsonValidationError.

Is it possible to parse this output with Play and get a Seq or even a Source (akka-streams)?


  • I managed create a solution based on cchantep's comment

    Using akka-streams framing, specifically the class JsonFraming will do the trick. I ended up with something like this:

    // declaration or injection of WSClient
      .flatMap { response =>
        for {
          jsonStrs <- response.bodyAsSource.via(JsonFraming.objectScanner(Int.MaxValue))
            .runFold(Seq.empty[String]) {
              case (acc, entry) => acc ++ Seq(entry.utf8String)
        } yield {


    The code above will produce a Future[Seq[JsValue]] which can be manipulated as needed.