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MySQL merge arrays from multiple JSON rows

I have a table with a json column that looks like this :

| id | myfield    |
|  1 | ["1", "2"] |
|  2 | ["3", "2"] |
|  3 | ["2", "4"] |

How can I merge all values from myfield in one array?

I need a result that will look like this: ["1", "2", "3", "2", "2", "4"], or even better with removed duplicates.

I tried using this query: SELECT JSON_ARRAYAGG(myfield) FROM json_test but as a result I'm getting:

[["1", "2"], ["3", "2"], ["2", "4"]]

I assume I need a query in combination with the function JSON_MERGE.


  • Here's a solution but it requires MySQL 8.0 for the JSON_TABLE() function:

    SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(j.myvalue) AS flattened_values
    FROM mytable, JSON_TABLE(
      mytable.myfield, '$[*]' COLUMNS(myvalue INT PATH '$')
    ) AS j;


    | flattened_values |
    | 1,2,3,2,2,4      |

    I would actually recommend avoiding storing JSON arrays. Instead, store multi-valued data in a normalized manner, in a second table. Then you could just use GROUP_CONCAT() on the joined table.

    I have still yet to hear of a use of JSON in MySQL that isn't better accomplished by using database normalization.