I want to categorized one variable with the next conditionals:
0 - 4: "fail" 5 - 7: "good" 8 - 10: "excellent" None of the above: NA
I tried using the recode function
The values of variable is numeric
segur <- data$segur
Created a new variable using recode
dt1 <- recode(segur, "c(0,4)='suspenso';c(5, 7)='aceptable';c(8,10)='excelente'; else='NA'")
How can I fix?
using factor
in base R
# set random seed
# without any NA
x1 <- sample(x = 1:10, size = 20, replace=TRUE)
# with NA
x2 <- sample(x = c(1:10, NA), size = 20, replace=TRUE)
# without any NA
as.character(factor(x1, levels = c(0:10), labels = c(rep("fail", 5), rep("good", 3), rep("excellent", 3)), exclude=NA))
# with NA
as.character(factor(x2, levels = c(0:10), labels = c(rep("fail", 5), rep("good", 3), rep("excellent", 3)), exclude=NA))