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How to deal with merge conflicts in rails ENCRYPTED credential files

With rails 6 (or 5.2) encrypted credentials, I am running into difficulty managing and resolving merge conflicts in the credentials.yml.enc file. As is outlined in the documentation, the intention is that encrypted credentials can be added to source control (

E.g. branch_a adds credentials for service a and gets merged to master branch_b adds credentials for service b and when rebasing, the conflict in the credentials.yml.enc file looks something like this:

<<<<<<< HEAD
>>>>>>> branch_b

I can view the unencrypted credentials.yml.enc on each branch and resolve conflicts quite manually but is there a better way to go about managing credentials generally in order to avoid these credential conflicts.


  • It is possible. From the rails credentials usage:

    === Set up Git to Diff Credentials
    Rails provides `rails credentials:diff --enroll` to instruct Git to call `rails credentials:diff`
    when `git diff` is run on a credentials file.
    Running the command enrolls the project such that all credentials files use the
    "rails_credentials" diff driver in .gitattributes.
    Additionally since Git requires the driver itself to be set up in a config file
    that isn't tracked Rails automatically ensures it's configured when running
    Otherwise each co-worker would have to run enable manually, including on each new
    repo clone.