I want to scrape the web contents and clean up the format
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import urllib.request
import urllib.parse
import lxml
fetched_text=' '.join(map(lambda p: p.text.soup.find_all('p'),soup))
This code was originally found from a youtube tutorial like this:
fetched_text=' '.join(map(lambda p: p.text.soup.find_all('p')))
But it was complained about map() was not using correctly.
Can anyone please help me out here?
Maybe you are more confortable using list comphension:
fetched_text=' '.join([p.text for p in soup.find_all('p')])
or you can do it with map, remember that map waits a function and an iterable:
fetched_text=' '.join(map(lambda p: p.text, soup.find_all('p')))