I calling a third-party COM function in my VBScript. The method signature is as follows:
HRESULT ParseXML ([in] BSTR *textIn,[in] VARIANT_BOOL *aValidateIn,[out, retval] MSXML2.IXMLDOMDocument2 **aXMLDocOut)
In my VBScript the following call gives back a type mismatch:
Dim someText
someText = "Hello"
Dim response
response = ParseXml(someText, False)
But passing in the string literal works fine:
Dim response
response = ParseXml("Hello", False)
Any ideas what I need to do on the VBScript side?
is already a pointer.
is therefore a pointer to pointer.
That is, you are passing a string by reference (ByRef textIn As String
When you pass a variable by reference, the types must match. someText
If you were to pass just BSTR
(ByVal textIn As String
), VB would handle the conversion for you.
Any ideas what I need to do on the VBScript side?
If you are sure it's the script you want to fix, not the library, then trick VB into using a temp variable which will be passed by ref:
response = ParseXml((someText), False)