The error I'm experiencing is that I want to execute the command "change directory" in my Docker machine, but every time I execute RUN instruction in my Dockerfile, it deletes the actual container (intermediate container).
This happens when I execute the Dockerfile from above
How can I prevent Docker from doing that?
The current paths are different for Dockerfile and RUN (inside container).
Each RUN command starts from the Dockerfile path (e. g. '/').
When you do RUN cd /app
, the "inside path" changes, but not the "Dockerfile path". The next RUN command will again be run at '/'.
To change the "Dockerfile path", use WORKDIR (see reference), for example WORKDIR /opt/firefox
The alternative would be chaining the executed RUN commands, as EvgeniySharapov pointed out: RUN cd opt; ls; cd firefox; ls
on multiple lines:
RUN cd opt; \
ls; \
cd firefox; \
(To clarify: It doesn't matter that Docker removes intermediate containers, that is not the problem in this case.)