Trying to read a .csv file content from folder. Example code:
Files_in_folder = os.listdir(r"\\folder1\folder2")
Filename_list = []
For filename in files_in_folder:
If "sometext" in filename:
Read_this_file = "\\folder1\folder2"+max(filename_list)
Data = pandas.read_csv(Read_this_file,sep=',')
Fetching the max filename works, but the Data variable fails:
FileNotFoundError: no such file or directory
I am able to access the folder as we see in my first line of code, but when I combine two strings, putting the r
in front doesn't work, any ideas?
You need to add \
to your path when concatenating:
read_this_file = '\\folder1\\folder2\\' + max(filename_list)
But a better way to avoid that problem is to use
os.path.join("\\folder1\\folder2", max(filename_list))