I'm trying to set up a new deployment group, with the creation of a new dedicated (windows) agent. The web UI is nice, as it is able to generate the power shell commands to get that done. But unlike the documentation, I don't get the little check box that says "include PAT", but this is not the problem here. (Maybe this is because I'm using a AzureDevops on premise Server version instead of the cloud managed service?)
Here is my problem. I run the script, I just give the PAT, and I let the default service user for the agent which is NT Authority\System
in french, as I'm using a self hosted french windows VM). Finally the process exits with the following error. when trying to start the service: Cannot start service vstsagent.<devopsservername>.<agentpoolname>.<agentmachinename> on computer '.'.
When I go to the event viewer, I can see the following:
This computer is configured as a member of a workgroup, not as a member of a domain. The Netlogon service does not need to run in this configuration.
Whenever I go to the service pannel and try to start it manually I still get the same problem. When I switch user to "LocalSystem", everything goes fine...
What goes wrong? Why is it complaining about NETLOGON? Aren't "NT Authority\System" and "LocalSystem" the same account? Could it be related to the fact I'm using a french OS? (unable to select the relevant account by default? or something in this mood?)
So after having tested the same scenario with a standard en/US host running the agent, we do not get the problem.
I suspect this is due to the french language where NT Authority\System
is named AUTORITE NT\Système
that can not be matched (due maybe to the é