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How to deal with Future[Option[value]] scala

Below is this code snippet working well but with Await.result

def validate(loginRequest: LoginRequest): Option[AuthResponse] = {

   val response:Option[User] =  Await.result(userDao.getUserByUsernameAndPassword(loginRequest.username,Utilities.encrypt(loginRequest.password)),Duration.Inf )

   response match {
     case Some(value) =>populateResponse(value)
     case None =>  None


I want to use Futures instead of await but then return the response. below is a non blocking snippet

 val response:Future[Option[User]]=  userDao.getUserByUsernameAndPassword(loginRequest.username,Utilities.encrypt(loginRequest.password))

How would u get a similar response without blocking

response match {
       case Some(value) =>populateResponse(value)
       case None =>  None


  • You just need to call map on the Future to change the result, and inside that call map on the Option to change the contents of the option:

    If the Option is None then the second map will do nothing, and if the Future had failed then the first map will do nothing.