I have a RM queue test-queue
. In there I need to handle 3 separate messages (message-1, message-2, message-3
) for 3 separate processes in 3 separate services.
I use @RabbitListener
like below to access the message
@RabbitListener(queues = "test-queue")
public void getMessage1(Message message) {
but I need to access specific message ex:message-1
only in this function.
Any heads up?
That’s wrong design for AMQP protocol . You need to think about 3 different queues for those messages and correct bindings for them from a single exchange with the proper routing. Then you can easy have 3 consumers from those queues.
My point is that queue entity is a consumer responsibility. The producer just dump a message into an exchange. So, you just dictate from your consumer application how you’d like to get produced messages.
Out of subject you can investigate a Spring Integration router pattern implementation if you really can’t change your RabbitMQ structure : https://docs.spring.io/spring-integration/docs/current/reference/html/message-routing.html#messaging-routing-chapter