I'm using PIE.htc to handle CSS3 in IE. I put PIE.htc in the root, and I use behavior: url(PIE.htc) in the css.
for excample:
behaviour: url(PIE.htc)
It works just fine in all pages, except the PIE.htc somehow won't load in category.php, archive.php and tag.php.
Then I decided to change the path of my PIE.htc by overwrite the css of each archive.php, category.php, tag.php become like this:
behaviour: url(../PIE.htc)
It worked ok in the first page of my archive.php, category.php, tag.php, but when I go to the next pages of my archive.php, category.php, tag.php, PIE.htc won't load anymore.
I've tried to change the path with behaviour: url(../../PIE.htc) but didn't work.
How to solve this path issue of PIE.htc for archive.php, category.php, tag.php in wordpress?
Use a URI relative to the root of the site. That means it should start with a slash. For example, if the file is in a directory named CSS which is at the same level as index.php:
This refers to the same URL no matter what the URL of the current page is.