Trying to understand callPackage
, so looked up its implementation where it uses lib.functionArgs
(source), but there is already a builtins.functionArgs
primop, an alias of __functionArgs
(implemented in C).
is defined as
/* Extract the expected function arguments from a function.
This works both with nix-native { a, b ? foo, ... }: style
functions and functions with args set with 'setFunctionArgs'. It
has the same return type and semantics as builtins.functionArgs.
setFunctionArgs : (a → b) → Map String Bool.
functionArgs = f: f.__functionArgs or (builtins.functionArgs f);
and the __functionArgs
attribute above is coming from setFunctionArgs
/* Add metadata about expected function arguments to a function.
The metadata should match the format given by
builtins.functionArgs, i.e. a set from expected argument to a bool
representing whether that argument has a default or not.
setFunctionArgs : (a → b) → Map String Bool → (a → b)
This function is necessary because you can't dynamically create a
function of the { a, b ? foo, ... }: format, but some facilities
like callPackage expect to be able to query expected arguments.
setFunctionArgs = f: args:
__functor = self: f;
__functionArgs = args;
I understand what setFunctionArgs
does, and the comment above its declaration tells why it is necessary, but I can't understand it; both clauses of that sentence are clear but not sure how the first statement prevents the second one to be achieved (without setFunctionArgs
, that is).
danbst also tried to elucidate this further,
attr to mimic__functionArgs
builtin. It used to "pass" actual__functionArgs
result down to consumers, because builtin__functionArgs
only works on top-most function args
but not sure what the "consumers" are, and couldn't unpack the last clause (i.e., "builtin __functionArgs
only works on top-most function args"). Is this a reference to the fact that Nix functions are curried, and
nix-repl> g = a: { b, c }: "lofa"
nix-repl> builtins.functionArgs g
{ }
also doesn't solve this problem, but I'm probably off the tracks at this point.
Notes to self
is documented in the Nix manual under Sets.
$ nix repl '<nixpkgs>'
Welcome to Nix version 2.3.6. Type :? for help.
Loading '<nixpkgs>'...
Added 11530 variables.
nix-repl> f = { a ? 7, b }: a + b
nix-repl> set_f = lib.setFunctionArgs f { b = 9; }
nix-repl> set_f
{ __functionArgs = { ... }; __functor = «lambda @ /nix/store/16blhmppp9k6apz41gjlgr0arp88awyb-nixos-20.03.3258.86fa45b0ff1/nixos/lib/trivial.nix:318:19»; }
nix-repl> set_f.__functionArgs
{ b = 9; }
nix-repl> set_f set_f.__functionArgs
nix-repl> set_f { a = 27; b = 9; }
wraps builtins.functionArgs
in order to provide reflective access to generic functions.
This supports reflection with builtins.functionArgs
f = { a, b, c }: #...
Now consider the eta abstraction of the same function:
f' = attrs: f attrs
This does not support reflection with builtins.functionArgs
. With setFunctionArgs
, you can restore that information, as long as you also use lib.functionArgs
I recommend to avoid reflection because everything that I've seen implemented with it can be implemented without it. It expands the definition of a function to include what should normally be considered implementation details.
Anyway, the primary motivation seems to be callPackage
, which can be implemented with normal attrset operations if you change all packages to add ...
as in { lib, stdenv, ... }:
. I do have a morbid interest in this misfeature that is function reflection, so if anyone finds another use case, please comment.