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Convert a curl OAuth2 token request to httr

I am trying to access the api using r and httr. I can achieve this using an API key but not with OAuth2

The docs indicate that:

Obtaining an access token via Client Credentials Make a POST request to the endpoint using your client_id and client_secret, along with the list of scopes that you require. See the API references for the list of scopes that are required for each endpoint. Attempting to use a scope that is not included in your plan will result in a 400 invalid_scope error. This request must be authenticated using basic authentication with the client_id and client_secret corresponding to a username and password respectively.

The curl implementation is simply:

curl -X POST -u 'clientid:secret' -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d 'grant_type=client_credentials&scope=api_listings_read%20api_agencies_read' ''

which returns the token without any redirect.

However, I have been unable to translate this to the equivalent httr POST request to obtain the token. What I presently have is:

oep <- oauth_endpoint(base_url = "", 
                      request = NULL, 
                      access = "access_token" )

myapp <- oauth_app("domain",
     key = "client_id_here",
     # The secret isn't secrete. A user still has to authenticate when redirected.
     secret = "secret_here"

# Retrieve the token
token <- oauth2.0_token(oep, 
                    scope = "api_listings_read")

This unnecessarily redirects to an unknown page, which I close and then am returned to the console where I press escape to exit.

I am reviewing Converting cURL to httr in R but so far no luck in getting it to work.

Any help would be much appreciated.


  • I resolved the issue. It seems that the simplest solution is to include everything in the body per

    r <- POST("",
              config = list(),
              body = list(
              encode = "form"
    [1] "my_requested_token"
    [1] 43200
    [1] "Bearer"
    tok <- content(r)$access_token
    rg <- GET("",
                          "Authorization"=paste("Bearer", tok)))
    [1] "Pyrmont"
    [1] "NSW"
    [1] "House"
    [1] 2020
    [1] 2
    etc. etc.

    where form is shorthand for including Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded in the header.

    I worked out thethat Accept="text/plain" should be included in the get request by going to the endpoint docs and following the "Try it out" instructions so that I could look at the curl command structure (note the -H part of the command below).

    curl -X GET "" -H "accept: text/plain" -H "Authorization: Bearer my_requested_token"

    As a side point, as a beginner using httr, I will comment that the api does not seem particularly helpful for any situation beyond a routine or common use case. It goes way to far in abstracting low level details away from the user. A vignette to deal with non-standard cases such as this one would go a way to assist. Nevertheless, I admit that my comment might just arise from the frustration of having to spend a few hours on figuring out how to implement what should be a trivially simple process.

    I will leave this in an unanswered state for a few days to see if anyone else can suggest a better alternative or shed some additional light.