This is more of a open question but hopefully it won’t get deleted.
I am using react and apollo although the question is more general.
Let’s say I have 3 distinct views in my app all using similar (but not the same) data. All of them are using separate queries but each of the query uses common operation but with slightly different data returned.
Let’s say I have a mutation somewhere that adds something to data (think of a list of items and a new item being added).
Let’s say after mutation I want to update cache to reflect that change. I am using read/writeQuery to do the update. With this setup I need to update 3 queries - this becomes a maintenance nightmare.
After some reading I figured I am doing this wrong - I have now created a single query - now I need to only update that single query after mutation and all of my views are updated automatically. However the problem is that this query now has to download all the data that all 3 views combined need - feels like this is very inefficient, because some of the views will get data they'll never use.
Is there a better way to do it?
Please note that read/writeFragment
won't work because they won't update the underlying queries - check this answer for example:
Please let me know in comment if you need a more concrete example.
All in all I think in this setup I would just be better with a global state handling and avoid apollo cache all together - however I feel cheated cause apollo promised to solve the state problems :)
Here's a concerete example:
Let's say our graphql schema is defined liked this:
type Post {
id: ID!
title: String!
body: String
published: Boolean!
type Query {
posts(published: Boolean): [Post!]!
type Mutation {
createDraft(body: String!, title: String!): Post
publish(id: Int!): Post
Now, we create 3 queries and 2 mutations on the client
query PostTitles {
posts {
query Posts {
posts {
query PublishedPosts {
posts (published: true) {
mutation CreateDraftPost ($body: String!, $title: String!) {
createDraft(body: $body, title: $title) {
mutation PublishPost ($id:ID!) {
publish (id: $id) {
Just to note createDraft
creates a post with the default false
How can use either of those mutations to create or publish a post and have all the 3 cached queries to be updated without using refetchQueries
or manualy updating each of the query?
I think the real problem is that each of those queries are stored separately in the apollo in-memory cache.
From my experience, here's how it should goes.
In the case of CreateDraftPost
function. In this update
function, you modify the cache of the root query posts
by creating a new fragment of Post
and then add this fragement into posts
. See this:
and Posts
all rely on the root query posts
(just differ in the queried fields) and the new fragment of Post
you've just added into posts
has sufficient fields, your PostTitles
and Posts
should automatically reflect the changes.CreateDraftPost
always create a draft with published
defaults to false
. You don't need to update anything related to PublishedPosts
query.In the case of PublishPost
with updated fields (id
, published
). By the mechanism of Apollo GraphQL cache, this Post
(identified by id
) will be updated in any queries it has involved. See this:
query. Do this by providing update
function in the mutation call. In this update
function, you will readQuery
of PublishedPost
first, create a new Post
out of the returned data and finally writeQuery
to add this post into the PublishedPost
results. Reference this: about using refetchQueries
mutation, refetch only Posts
query should be sufficient (the PostTitles
should be updated accordingly) since both Posts
and PostTitles
rely on the same root query posts
and fields in Posts
has also covered fields in PostTitles
mutation, I would prefer refetch the PublishedPost
query to avoid doing the whole update
thing (since I'm lazy and I think it will not cost me much to refetch 1 query)