Goal: Validate the signed in user has an account info document in my accounts FireStore collection.
My code is based off this flutter/firebase starter architecture referenced on the RiverPod site as an example of how to use RiverPod for state management.
I'm using latest flutter_riverpod package.
firestore_database.dart - implementing model/service layers away from ui.
Stream<Account> accountStream() => _service.documentStream(
path: FirestorePath.account(uid),
builder: (data, documentId) => Account.fromMap(data, uid),
final accountStreamProvider = StreamProvider.autoDispose((ref) {
final database = ref.watch(databaseProvider);
return database != null ? database.accountStream() : const Stream.empty();
outside of Flutter in Dart only context? Again, my goal is to simply evaluate whether the stream is empty or if it contains a document.Consumer(builder: (context, watch, _) {
final accountAsyncValue = watch(accountStreamProvider);
return accountAsyncValue.when(
// what do I do here to validate that there is an account
// info document for the currently authorized user
// using the accountStreamProvider?
// I don't want to return a widget...
data: (account) => null,
loading: () => null,
error: (_, __) => null,
On the RiverPod doc site I've read the "Reading a provider outside of providers using Dart only" reference, however, I'm not sure where to go with it to consume the stream and evaluate data if there is any.
The documentation link you posted shows how to get a StateController
from a ProviderContainer
It looks like the StateController
class has a stream
property, so you could listen to that:
(I haven't tried that, but that's what I can make out from the docs)