I'm trying from 2 days to curve fit some data that I have using this equation
f = @(x) ((x.^4) .* exp(x)) ./((exp(x)-1).^2);
gama*x + 9*R*((x/a)^3)*quad(f,0,a/x);
Here x is independent variable and a is unknown, gama is known. I tried the following procedure with the most success.
function C=myquad(a,T)
C = zeros(size(T));
gama = 20 * 1e-3;
R = 8.314;
f = @(x) ((x.^4) .* exp(x)) ./((exp(x)-1).^2);
for n = 1:length(T)
C(n) = gama*T(n) + 9*R*((T(n)/a)^3)*quad(f,0,a/T(n));
It returned following error
??? NaN computed by model function, fitting cannot continue. Try using or tightening upper and lower bounds on coefficients.
Error in ==> fit at 443 errstr = handleerr( errid, errmsg, suppresserr );
No idea what to do. Please guide..
Find out why your function is returning NaN
. NaN
results from division of 0 by 0, or other causes.
Your function f(x)
will compute 0/0
for x=0
>> f = @(x) ((x.^4) .* exp(x)) ./((exp(x)-1).^2);
>> f(0)
ans =
Change your limits of integration so that you don't include 0, or re-define your function f
to be better behaved at 0.