Is it possible to do a select statement where it only returns results where the first three letters of the words that you are selecting are different?
If, for example, select russian from info where english = 'defense';
produces these results
Then can i say something like
select russian from info where english = 'defense' and where first three letters are not 'обо';
This, for example, would result only in. `обороне'
An example of what the table looks like is below.
id, english, russian
1 defense обороне
2 defense оборонного
3 defense оборонное
4 defense другой
I would want one of the results that begins with обо, and I would want другой as well
You can group by english
and the first 3 chars of russian
and return the min value of russian
SELECT english, MIN(russian) russian
FROM info
GROUP BY english, LEFT(russian, 3)
See the demo.
english | russian |
defense | обороне |
defense | другой |