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How to pass chosen input values of checkboxGroup to be used as an argument in ggplot2 interaction of geom_col() when using shiny?

I am using Shiny to build a simple dashboard to use in my job. Everything was fine until I found that I couldn't pass chosen input to be used as an argument in ggplot geom_col() interaction arguments.

My purpose is to change interaction plot based on chosen values of checkboxGroup where the chosen values will be used as arguments for fill=interaction(....) in ggplot.

I faced problem at this stage :

ggplot(data= opsdata2, aes(x=reorder(GUDANG,KUANTUM/1000), y=KUANTUM/1000, 
                                   fill=interaction(get(input$cekgr_fill),sep = "*")

The 'get(input$cekgr_fill)' only pass the first argument only whereas my purposes is to build interaction barplot using at least 2 arguments in input$cekgr_fill, ex: 'fill=interaction(JENIS,TH_ADA, sep="*")'.

The 'get(input$cekgr_fill)' only pass the first argument, i.e : JENIS, and ignore TH_ADA.

Would you please help me? Thank you.

Here is my code :


    #Nama Dashboard
     dashboardHeader(title = "OPERASIONAL"),
                checkboxGroupInput("cekgr_gudang", label = h4("Gudang"),
                                   choiceNames = list("Karanganyar","Binong",
                                   choiceValues = list("Karanganyar","Binong",
                checkboxGroupInput("cekgr_komoditas", label = h4("Komoditas"),
                                   choices = c("Beras","Minyak Goreng", 
                                               "Terigu","Gula","Gabah", "Ketan")
                                  choices = c("2018","2019","2020","2021")
                checkboxGroupInput("cekgr_opsional", label = h4("Opsional"),
                                   choices = c("Fumigasi", "Kondisi kualitas")
                checkboxGroupInput("cekgr_fill", label = h4("Fill Grafik"),
                                   choiceNames = c("JENIS","TAHUN"),
                                   choiceValues = c("JENIS", "TH_ADA")

    ## BODY

       width = 12,

        box(title = "Grafik Yang Kamu Minta ",
        solidHeader = T,
        width = 8, height = 500,
        collapsible = T,


# Define server logic required to draw a histogram
shinyServer(function(input, output) {
    #### Pilihan-pilihan
  opsdata1 <- read_xlsx("~/Documents/App-Dashboard-Ops/data_Feb_11.xlsx")
  output$PilihanGudang <- renderText({
    gudangterpilih <- paste(input$cekgr_gudang,collapse = ", ")
    paste("Gudang : ", gudangterpilih)})
  output$PilihanKomoditas <- renderText({
    komoditasterpilih <- paste(input$cekgr_komoditas, collapse = ", ") 
    paste("Komoditas : ", komoditasterpilih)})
  output$PilihanTahun <- renderText({
    tahunterpilih <- paste(input$cekgr_tahun, collapse = ", ") 
    paste("Tahun : ", tahunterpilih)})
  output$FillGrafik <- renderText({
    fillterpilih <- paste(input$cekgr_fill, collapse = ", ") 
    paste("Fill : ", fillterpilih)})
  opsdata2 <- opsdata1 %>%
    filter(GUDANG %in% input$cekgr_gudang) %>% 
    filter(JENIS %in% input$cekgr_komoditas) %>% 
    filter(TH_ADA %in% input$cekgr_tahun)
  output$grafik1 <- renderPlot({
    ggplot(data= opsdata2, aes(x=reorder(GUDANG,KUANTUM/1000), y=KUANTUM/1000, 
                               fill=interaction(get(input$cekgr_fill),sep = "*")
           )) + 
      geom_col() + coord_flip() +
      scale_y_continuous(labels = unit_format(unit = "Ton")) +
      labs(x="",y="",fill="") + 
      theme_clean() + theme(legend.position = "top") 

here is my data :

structure(list(GUDANG = c("Karanganyar", "Karanganyar", "Karanganyar",    "Karanganyar", "Rancaudik", "Rancaudik", "Rancaudik", "Tanjungrasa", "Tanjungrasa", "Tanjungrasa", "Tanjungrasa", "Binong", "Binong", "Binong", "Binong", "Binong", "Binong", "Binong", "Ciwangi", "Ciwangi", "Ciwangi"), UNIT = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), TUMPUKAN = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), JENIS = c("Beras", "Beras", "Beras", "Beras", "Beras", "Beras", "Beras", "Beras", "Beras", "Beras", "Ketan", "Beras", "Beras", "Beras", "Beras", "Beras", "Beras", "Ketan", "Beras", "Beras", "Beras"), PSO_KOM_HGL = c("PSO", "PSO", "KOM", "KOM", "PSO", "PSO", "PSO", "PSO", "PSO", "KOM", "KOM", "PSO", "PSO", "PSO", "HGL", "KOM", "PSO", "KOM", "PSO", "PSO", "PSO" ), TH_ADA = c(2020, 2019, 2020, 2020, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2020, 2019, 2020, 2020, 2020, 2019, 2020, 2020, 2018, 2018, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2018), KUALITAS = c("Med_20%", "Med_20%", "Kom_10%", "Kom_10%", "Med_20%", "Med_20%", "Med_5%", "Med_20%", "Med_20%", "Kom_10%", "Kom_15%", "Med_20%", "Med_20%", "Kom_15%", "Kom_15%", "Kom_15%", "Med_5%", "Kom_15%", "Med_20%", "Med_5%", "Med_15%"), KEMASAN = c(50, 50, 10, 25, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 10, 25, 50, 50, 10, 50, 5, 50, 25, 50, 50, 50), MEREK = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, "WJ", NA, NA, NA, NA, "IBU", NA, "WJ", NA, NA, NA), NEGARA = c("Indonesia", "Indonesia", "Indonesia", "Indonesia", "Indonesia", "Indonesia", "Thailand", "Indonesia", "Indonesia", "Indonesia", "Indonesia", "Indonesia", "Indonesia", "Indonesia", "Indonesia", "Indonesia", "Thailand", "Indonesia", "Indonesia", "Vietnam", "Vietnam"), EXP = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), KONDISI = c("Baik", "Baik", "Baik", "Baik", "Baik", "Baik", "Baik", "Baik", "Baik", "Baik", "Baik", "Baik", "Baik", "Baik", "Baik", "Baik", "Baik", "Baik", "Baik", "Baik", "Baik"), KUANTUM = c(10000, 107500, 12810, 4150, 65000, 4391000, 222850, 320000, 3193550, 2580, 37500, 30000, 2513060, 184720, 2040, 182200, 177270, 20000, 529400, 103500, 449755)), row.names = c(NA, -21L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))



  • You need to select the appropriate variables for interaction. I have used pickerInput to select a maximum of 5 variables for interaction. If less than 2 variables are selected, a message is printed. Perhaps there is a more elegant way of doing this. For now, I have provided a quick answer. Please try this

    df1 <- structure(list(GUDANG = c("Karanganyar", "Karanganyar", "Karanganyar", "Karanganyar", "Rancaudik", "Rancaudik", 
                                     "Rancaudik", "Tanjungrasa", "Tanjungrasa", "Tanjungrasa", "Tanjungrasa", "Binong", 
                                     "Binong", "Binong", "Binong", "Binong", "Binong", "Binong", "Ciwangi", "Ciwangi", "Ciwangi"),
                          UNIT = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), 
                          TUMPUKAN = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), 
                          JENIS = c("Beras", "Beras", "Beras", "Beras", "Beras", "Beras", "Beras", "Beras", "Beras", "Beras", 
                                    "Ketan", "Beras", "Beras", "Beras", "Beras", "Beras", "Beras", "Ketan", "Beras", "Beras", "Beras"),
                          PSO_KOM_HGL = c("PSO", "PSO", "KOM", "KOM", "PSO", "PSO", "PSO", "PSO", "PSO", "KOM", "KOM", "PSO", 
                                          "PSO", "PSO", "HGL", "KOM", "PSO", "KOM", "PSO", "PSO", "PSO" ), 
                          TH_ADA = c(2020, 2019, 2020, 2020, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2020, 2019, 2020, 2020, 2020, 2019, 2020, 2020, 2018, 2018, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2018), 
                          KUALITAS = c("Med_20%", "Med_20%", "Kom_10%", "Kom_10%", "Med_20%", "Med_20%", "Med_5%", "Med_20%", "Med_20%", "Kom_10%", "Kom_15%", 
                                       "Med_20%", "Med_20%", "Kom_15%", "Kom_15%", "Kom_15%", "Med_5%", "Kom_15%", "Med_20%", "Med_5%", "Med_15%"),
                          KEMASAN = c(50, 50, 10, 25, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 10, 25, 50, 50, 10, 50, 5, 50, 25, 50, 50, 50),
                          MEREK = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, "WJ", NA, NA, NA, NA, "IBU", NA, "WJ", NA, NA, NA),
                          NEGARA = c("Indonesia", "Indonesia", "Indonesia", "Indonesia", "Indonesia", "Indonesia", "Thailand", 
                                     "Indonesia", "Indonesia", "Indonesia", "Indonesia", "Indonesia", "Indonesia", "Indonesia", 
                                     "Indonesia", "Indonesia", "Thailand", "Indonesia", "Indonesia", "Vietnam", "Vietnam"),
                          EXP = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), 
                          KONDISI = c("Baik", "Baik", "Baik", "Baik", "Baik", "Baik", "Baik", "Baik", "Baik", "Baik", 
                                      "Baik", "Baik", "Baik", "Baik", "Baik", "Baik", "Baik", "Baik", "Baik", "Baik", "Baik"), 
                          KUANTUM = c(10000, 107500, 12810, 4150, 65000, 4391000, 222850, 320000, 3193550, 2580, 37500, 30000, 
                                      2513060, 184720, 2040, 182200, 177270, 20000, 529400, 103500, 449755)), 
                     row.names = c(NA, -21L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))
    ui <- shinyUI(dashboardPage(
      #Nama Dashboard
      dashboardHeader(title = "OPERASIONAL"),
        checkboxGroupInput("cekgr_gudang", label = h4("Gudang"),
                           choiceNames = list("Karanganyar","Binong",
                           choiceValues = list("Karanganyar","Binong",
        checkboxGroupInput("cekgr_komoditas", label = h4("Komoditas"),
                           choices = c("Beras","Minyak Goreng", 
                                       "Terigu","Gula","Gabah", "Ketan")
                           choices = c("2018","2019","2020","2021")
        checkboxGroupInput("cekgr_opsional", label = h4("Opsional"),
                           choices = c("Fumigasi", "Kondisi kualitas")
        # checkboxGroupInput("cekgr_fill", label = h4("Fill Grafik"),
        #                    choiceNames = c("JENIS","TAHUN"),
        #                    choiceValues = c("JENIS", "TH_ADA")
        # ),
      ## BODY
            width = 12,
            box(title = "Grafik Yang Kamu Minta ",
                solidHeader = T,
                width = 8, height = 550,
                collapsible = T,
    # Define server logic required to draw a histogram
    server <- shinyServer(function(input, output) {
        bb <- colnames(df1)
        pickerInput(inputId = 'cekgr_fill',
                    label = 'Select interaction variables',
                    choices = c(bb[1:length(bb)]),  
                    multiple = TRUE,
                    options = pickerOptions(maxOptions = 5,
                                            header = "Please select at least 2 variables",
                                            `style` = "btn-info")
      #### Pilihan-pilihan
      observeEvent(input$OK, {
        opsdata1 <- df1 # read_xlsx("~/Documents/App-Dashboard-Ops/data_Feb_11.xlsx")
        output$PilihanGudang <- renderText({
          gudangterpilih <- paste(input$cekgr_gudang,collapse = ", ")
          paste("Gudang : ", gudangterpilih)})
        output$PilihanKomoditas <- renderText({
          komoditasterpilih <- paste(input$cekgr_komoditas, collapse = ", ") 
          paste("Komoditas : ", komoditasterpilih)})
        output$PilihanTahun <- renderText({
          tahunterpilih <- paste(input$cekgr_tahun, collapse = ", ") 
          paste("Tahun : ", tahunterpilih)})
        output$FillGrafik <- renderText({
          fillterpilih <- paste(input$cekgr_fill, collapse = ", ") 
          paste("Fill : ", fillterpilih)})
        output$t1 <- renderUI({
          n <- length(input$cekgr_fill)
          if (n < 2) {
              p("A minimum of two variables are required to show interaction", style = "color:red")
          }else return(NULL)
        output$grafik1 <- renderPlot({
          opsdata2 <- opsdata1 %>%
            filter(GUDANG %in% input$cekgr_gudang) %>% 
            filter(JENIS %in% input$cekgr_komoditas) %>% 
            filter(TH_ADA %in% input$cekgr_tahun)
          n <- length(input$cekgr_fill)
          if (n>1) {
            if (n==2) { 
              opsdata2$ivar <- interaction(opsdata2[[input$cekgr_fill[[1]]]], opsdata2[[input$cekgr_fill[[2]]]], sep = "*")
            }else if (n==3){
              opsdata2$ivar <- interaction(opsdata2[[input$cekgr_fill[[1]]]], opsdata2[[input$cekgr_fill[[2]]]], 
                                           opsdata2[[input$cekgr_fill[[3]]]], sep = "*")
            }else if (n==4) {
              opsdata2$ivar <- interaction(opsdata2[[input$cekgr_fill[[1]]]], opsdata2[[input$cekgr_fill[[2]]]], 
                                           opsdata2[[input$cekgr_fill[[3]]]], opsdata2[[input$cekgr_fill[[4]]]], sep = "*")
            }else if (n==5){
              opsdata2$ivar <- interaction(opsdata2[[input$cekgr_fill[[1]]]], opsdata2[[input$cekgr_fill[[2]]]], 
                                           opsdata2[[input$cekgr_fill[[3]]]], opsdata2[[input$cekgr_fill[[4]]]],
                                           opsdata2[[input$cekgr_fill[[5]]]], sep = "*")
          }else opsdata2$ivar <- interaction(opsdata2[[input$cekgr_fill]], sep = "*")
          ggplot(data= opsdata2, aes(x=reorder(GUDANG,KUANTUM/1000), y=KUANTUM/1000, 
                                     #fill=interaction(.data[[input$cekgr_fill[[1]]]], .data[[input$cekgr_fill[[2]]]], sep = "*")
          )) + 
            geom_col() + coord_flip() +
            scale_y_continuous(labels = unit_format(unit = "Ton")) +
            labs(x="",y="",fill="") + 
            theme_clean() + theme(legend.position = "top") 
    shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
