That's my code and I have a proplem with config() method it dosen't work with me when I use it with canvas it give me this error: AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'config' so please help me because I stuck here....
from tkinter import ttk
from tkinter import filedialog
root = Tk()
root.columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
myCanvas = Canvas(root, width=350, height=300)
myCanvas.pack(fill='both', expand=True)
#File location
Folder_Name =""
def openLocation():
global Folder_Name
Folder_Name = filedialog.askdirectory()
LocError.config(text=Folder_Name, fg='green')
LocError.config(text='Please Choose Folder!!',fg = 'red')
LocError = myCanvas.create_text(175,120, text='You must select a location',fill='red', font=('jost', 10))
#Button for location
SaveLoc = Button(root, text='Choose Path', command = openLocation)
myCanvas.create_window(130,87, anchor='nw', window=SaveLoc)
You have to change your if
statement as follows:
if len(Folder_Name) > 1:
myCanvas.itemconfig(LocError,text=Folder_Name, fill='green')
myCanvas.itemconfig(LocError,text='Please Choose Folder!!',fill='red')
takes an id or tag of the canvas item and edits the properties of it. Also there is no fg
option for text
of canvas, so change that to fill